Saturday, April 27, 2013

They'll Let Anyone Have Their Own Reality Show These Days...

I'm baaaaack! Sorry I've been MIA for the past couple of years, I was under a lot of stress which culminated in a stroke which may effect my writing, not too much I hope. Either way I am back and ready to dish! So let's down to business shall we....

Let's talk about the new crop of reality TV shows that have descended in the past few years, as well as the most recent entries, in the reality TV race. Reality shows are my guilty pleasure and sometimes watching them is my most regrettable pastime. This subject deserves more than one blog, so we will start with the newest reality show that had my head shaking. The one that inspired the title of this blog, "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?".
Oh Ryan ARE nice to look at...but is that enough to carry a show? After Ryan won all of his medals at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, for swimming, it seemed as though the world was his oyster. Everyone wanted a piece of him and he seemed more than happy to give it. He started out as most medal winners do, with commercial endorsements He also made a couple of appearances here and there on a few TV shows, playing himself, of course. But those shows were scripted and, even playing himself,  his acting was stiff. But hey, he's not an actor right? No harm, no foul. We've seen it before with other public figures. It seems as though Ryan wanted to do something as himself, to show off his personality. Which would have been fine if he had a magnetic personality to showcase. With all due respect to Ryan Lochte, I watched him on numerous talk shows and I thought he seemed as dumb as a box of rocks. I know it sounds cruel, I don't mean to be, but truthfully that was the first thing to come to my mind and I know I am not the only one. I do not understand why he would put himself out there on a reality show. I don't want to bash him but... He has been getting ridiculed constantly for his performance in interviews and now he is just asking for more of the same. Who is his agent? Is his agent looking out for Ryan Lochte, the man? Or Ryan Lockte, the ATM machine. I am thinking the latter. *sigh*

Currently he is out promoting his new reality show, "What Would Ryan Lochte Do" on E!, and the interviewers are having a field day. It is not a secret that he is not the brightest bulb in the drawer, I actually feel kind of sorry for him. I don't think he's playing dumb like Jessica Simpson did on "Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica", I think it is more like he's just not very deep. What did I get from the first episode of his show? That he seems like a young teenage boy instead of a man who is about to turn 29. I appreciate that he seems to love his family a lot, that they are very important to him. They all seem to have a lot of fun with each other and that is a nice thing to see. But is there anything else to like about this show? Well if you want to laugh at how "dumb" he seems, especially when he calls the old Mel Gibson movie about women, "What WOMAN Want", instead of "What WOMEN Want", or when he asks his interviewer the meaning of the word "douchebag" because he doesn't know the meaning and people keep calling him one, then this is the show for you.
Or  maybe you want to hear his "Lochteisms", calling everything he does a"Lochte_____", everything in this life seems to be a Lochte something or other. Or perhaps you are a fan of his copyrighted catchphrase (catchword?) "Jeah", which makes me cringe whenever I hear it. It reminds me of Lil Jon saying "yeah", as Ryan says it in the same way Lil Jon does, but with a "j" instead of a "y". If that sounds right up your alley, then yes, this show is for you!

Do we really care what Ryan Locke would do if he were just a regular guy? I mean, so far he doesn't seem to be doing anything of note on this show and the previews aren't showing me anything interesting to make me tune in. In order for a reality show to be interesting the "stars" have to do something exciting, or at least interesting, to make you continue to tune in. Either that, or be a compelling figure, and I'm sorry, but God bless him, Ryan Lochte is a great swimmer, but a boring reality star. I know that he wanted to be on "Dancing With The Stars", I think that would have been a better fit. But an actual reality show? No, I'm sorry, there aren't many of us who have the personality for headlining our own reality show. Nor do most of us lead a life that is exciting enough to necessitate having our own show. Ryan Lochte is a regular guy, who did an extraordinary thing. But being Ryan Lochte isn't enough to save this show. My prediction is that this show will NOT be renewed. 

I would be curious to know what his fans think of the show. Personally, I like him I think he's a nice guy, really sweet, and a cutie. But being a nice guy who's cute, even with world records and medals, is not enough to have your own reality show. Sorry Ryan...get back to doing what you do so well, breaking records and winning medals in the pool. Best of luck in your future endeavors.

Here is an extended super tease of "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?"

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