When those of us of the female persuasion think of the HBO show "True Blood", we think of either Eric Northman the sexy vampire, pictured on the left, played by Swedish hunk Alexander Skarsgard or some of us think of Bill Compton, the southern gentleman vampire played by Stephen Moyer. Or maybe your tastes run toward the shapeshifter Sam Merlotte, played by Sam Trammell, who turns into a cute little dog (awwww!) or if you're into humans, Ryan Kwanten, an Aussie actor who plays the dumb but lovable hound dog Jason Stackhouse, brother of lead Sookie. The point here is that there is plenty of man meat to chose from on this show.
And for the men, well there is always Sookie Stackhouse, the character for whom the books were written, played by Oscar winner Anna Paquin. Maybe you like your women a little feistier, there is always Pam, the right hand vampire of Eric's or the newly turned, barely legal, vampire Jessica. I have to say that I am a fan of most of the characters, love Lafayette and Pam. Not really crazy about Arlene or Tara. But hey, that's a pretty good average in this large cast. Especially when you have a couple of high profile guest vamps like Evan Rachel Wood as the Queen, Sophie-Anne and Zeljko Ivanek as the Magistrate.
I REALLY look forward to seeing Joe Manganiello as Alcide. Now maybe I'll know how to pronounce Alcide correctly!
Whatever your pleasure you will find it on True Blood. Going into Season 3, the sex on the show has been thrown into hyper overdrive. From what the big dogs are saying it seems as though a very shocking, over the top, sex scene is due to rock the 3rd episode of this season. The buildup is pretty intense. I personally get the feeling it is a sadistic romp featuring Bill Compton who is now in the hands of the Vamp who turned him and is obsessed with him. Having read all of the books by Charlaine Harris, on which the series is based on, I am not sure. The series and the books have diverged in some places and taken off to parts unknown in others. So your guess is as good as mine.
The sex in this show is not for everyone, lots of nudity, blood drinking, you know...the usual for a vampire. Vampires have had a reputation over the years of being nasty and scary like Nosferatu and then sexy as hell like Brad Pitt's turn as Louis in "Interview with the Vampire". In "Interview" Louis comes off as brooding and seemingly trying to ave what is left of his humanity, trying to BE or at least act as human as possible. In True Blood I would have to say that Bill Compton is the only vampire looking to maintain as much of his humanity as he can. The rest of the vamps LOVE being a vampire!!! A man who is secure in who he is, what a turn on, even if he is a bloodsucker!
It is quite funny how the show is going on it's 3rd season and is getting a lot more press than it ever has. Could it be the amping up of the sex last season? Or perhaps the "celebrity" fans that are coming around wanting to be on the show, like Lindsay Lohan (Oh please god NO!). Or the new song Snoop Dogg wrote for Sookie, called....wait for it......"Sookie". Or maybe it's Oh Sookie. That is the only part that I remember. Gotta love the dee oh double G. As many fans as True Blood is attracting, it also seems to be turning off some fans. Especially, I suspect, some fans of the books. The novels were not so graphic, but hey we ARE talking about HBO here, a cable network that showcased Californication and Hung. So those who are shocked at the sex should maybe stick to the books or go see Twilight. Some feel as though the sex is a substitute for a plot/storyline. Do those of you who watch the show agree? I would really like to hear your opinions!
For now I am going to continue to watch the show, I have no problem with the sex....although it is a little awkward watching the show with my 21 year old son after I introduced him to the first season. He likes the show too now. It doesn't seem to bother him that I'm there so it's just me being a mom and turning red. Later I will watch it alone so I can DROOL over Alex Skarsgard. Yum! Let me know what you think Truebies!
For now I think I'm going to see if I can find Bon Temps on the map....I may need to make a road trip.
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