Monday, June 7, 2010

Drop Dead Diva is back! Yay!

Yay, one of my favorite shows is back on! The season 2
premiere of Drop Dead Diva was on Lifetime last night, of course without having TV right now I had to rely on TV Shack and after a rough start (bad feed) I got to watch it just a few minutes ago. I have to admit that I forgot a lot of what happened at the end of last season. That is a major problem when networks wait so long between seasons. In any case, thanks to TV Shack I can watch all of the episodes of Season 1 whenever I want to catch up and now that Season 2 is up and running I have no fear of having to wait forever for the next episode to be posted. They are right on it over at the TV Shack I have to say. 

  Now back to the show. I love this show, if you haven't watched it give it a chance. It stars Brooke Elliott as a woman, whose character starts the beginning of the show  as a thin, blond, sweet, airhead of a model (played by Brooke D'Orsay), whose soul is placed into a plus size, intelligent, brunette lawyer named Jane. I know it's confusing, but I would liken it to a female "Heaven Can Wait" crossed with "Dead Like Me". The first season deals mainly with Deb (the blonde) getting used to being in Jane's (the brunette) body. She experiences what it is like to being ignored, to not have people fawning all over her, and in some cases  being despised because of how she now looks. Complicating matters is her fiance is now working at the same law firm. You can feel the chemistry and connection between the two, but yet the physical is not there yet.  The beginning of the season was heartbreaking to see poor Deb/Jane wanting so badly to comfort Grayson (her fiance) but not being able to because she is not allowed to tell him that she is really Deb. Only her best friend Stacey and guardian angel Fred know who she really is. I would be remiss if I didn't add that it is also great to see Margaret Cho back on a weekly show as Terri, Jane's secretary. We've missed you!

  This season looks to be off to a great start. Deb is still getting used to Jane's body but Jane seems to have secrets that pop up at the worst time. Oh yeah, in case you don't watch....Deb has none of Jane's memories, except that she seems to know things, smart things that make her head hurt. This show is great fun, but it also has a great heart. I am also so happy to see Jane's guardian angel Fred back! Yay! 

  So if you haven't ever watched this show, give it a try. It's on Lifetime on Sunday Nights. If you missed Sunday's episode you can check it out here:
  And if you want to watch the first season, you will find all 13 episodes of the first season on TV Shack. Enjoy!

 Jane (Brooke Elliott) and Deb (Brooke D'Orsay)

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